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Image by Chris Henry


Research findings showed a rise in mobility patterns regardless of stay at home orders during the summer of 2020. The highly visited POI in 2020 included food establishments, revealing implications to the closure of food operations on campus. Website trends from the student health center revealed traffic was high in 2020. Results suggest the correlation of student efficacy to the causation of university operations closure, lack of resources, and framing of communication methods.

Suggestions: Understanding student behaviors during lockdown, when social distancing is enforced, in addition to advocating to community vulnerabilities due to the pandemic displacement can give both city and university leaders an understanding on effective policy implementations. Limitations include data not representative of the entire population and “noise” added for privacy by SafeGraph. Data cleaning is prone to human error. Future research should include development of steps, guidance of processes, and identification of sources of errors. Collection and usage for unique data sources/services may result in modern initiatives to better manage and influence population behaviors and actions. Lastly, recommendations and proposed strategies call to leaders the importance of health education and communication resources within Temple University Community.

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High Five without Hands
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